Occupational Health Services
We promote physical, mental, and social well-being for all occupations
Advantage Occupational Health can assist with any medical condition which has the potential to affect work ability. Advice is tailored to the working environment, ensuring optimum effectiveness.
Conditions include:
Mental Health: Identifying the cause of mental health symptoms and conditions are a vital aspect in optimising treatment. We can help identify the root cause of conditions and assist in their effective management.
Drug and Alcohol misuse: Assisting with the management of potential drug and alcohol misuse helps both employees and employers in improving health and work capability.
Musculoskeletal conditions: Assisting in diagnosis and management of these common conditions has the potential to significantly improve health, and work ability and reduce risk of worsening symptoms and conditions.
Work-related injury or medical condition: A work-related injury or medical condition has the potential to reduce morale, wellness and work ability. Optimising management and assessing future risk is a key component to a positive outcome.
We can help

Management referrals
Pre-Employment Screening
We support businesses in managing sickness absence efficiently, helping employees return to work as quickly and safely as possible.
Assessments will also aim to provide practical advice to improve employee health and wellbeing.
Assessments will aim to identify the root cause of medical symptoms or conditions and review the medical management that has been undertaken. To identify further tests and treatments which can then be requested to assist in faster recovery.
Ensure your new employees are fit for the roles with our pre-employment health screening services. These assessments help identify any underlying health concerns before employment begins, ensuring a smooth and healthy onboarding process.

Your partner in fostering health, well-being and work effectiveness.
0121 702 0193
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